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“It’s a...

“It’s a Terrible Idea”: Bill to Place Limousine Operators Under Taxi Cab Commission Held in Committee After Fierce Opposition

  • Nelcia Charlemagne
  • September 25, 2024

The ability of the Virgin Islands Taxi Cab Commission to manage additional responsibilities proposed in new legislation repeatedly came into question during a meeting of the Committee on Government Operations, Veterans Affairs, and Consumer Protection on Tuesday.‌ Tensions flared and opinions differed as stakeholders debated Bill 35-0251, a measure seeking to change the name of the Virgin Islands Taxi Cab Commission to the Virgin Islands Taxicab and Limousine Commission and giving oversight authority to the Commission over limousine services operators. Ultimately, lawmakers decided that the measure was not ready for a vote.‌ Senator Marvin Blyden sponsored the bill, and bemoaned the sheer number of complaints about the limousine industry that he says is, “for all intents and purposes, unregulated.” Among the senator’s criticisms was the apparent “lack of proper standards” resulting in limousine operators operating without standard amenities and subsequently “eroding the quality of th...
