USVI Residents Urged to Submit SNAP/CASH Documents Before February Deadline

VIDHS reminds SNAP/CASH participants of critical documentation submission date to ensure continuous benefits

  • Staff Consortium
  • January 27, 2024

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The V.I. Dept. of Human Services has issued an important reminder to residents participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/CASH).

This reminder emphasizes the urgent need to submit Recertification Applications, Periodic Reports, and additional documentation by February 1, 2024, to ensure uninterrupted benefit issuance. Human Services has highlighted the significance of adhering to due dates to avoid suspension or closure of benefits.

According to DHS, first-time applicants are advised to complete their application packets thoroughly, attach all required documents, and ensure they are signed and dated.

DHS has provided several options for residents to contact their offices or return documents, including in-person submissions, mail, email, drop boxes, and facsimile, across St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John. Additionally, clients can check their card balance by calling a dedicated number or using the EBT App:

  • St. Croix: Phone (340) 772-7100 Ext. 7159 or 7166, Email, Facsimile (340) 772-9591
  • St. Thomas: Phone (340) 774-0930 Ext. 4303 or (340) 774-2399, Email, Facsimile (340) 777-5449
  • St. John: Phone (340) 774-0930 Ext. 4303, (340) 774-2399 or (340) 776-6334

Documents can be submitted in person, via USPS, email, or drop boxes located at specified addresses on St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John.

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